Friday, July 24, 2009

Two Months Old...

James is 2 months old today! I can't believe how fast he's growing! He had his 2 month check up today and was 12 pounds and 24 inches long! (50th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height) And, we survived the 3 shots and one vaccine by mouth. There were tears of course but he did well. (And I did well, too, I didn't cry like I did when Noah used to get his shots!)

Pictures, of course, are on the way!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

James' Baptism...

Today was James' was a great day, he was perfect during the service and didn't cry when he was sprinkled...we were blessed to have James' Godparents there (because they are expecting a baby any minute now!!) and some family as well. Enjoy the photos!!

Us with Katrina & Will (James' Godparents) and Pastor Sizemore

July 4th weekend...

Our 4th of July weekend was packed to say the least...we started off on Friday with a trip to see the grandparents in Greenville, SC...then headed back to Columbia to see the fireworks at Fort Jackson...then the next afternoon we headed to the Blowfish baseball game with fireworks following the game...we had a lot of fun and here are some photos for you to enjoy!

James at the baseball game...being fanned

Noah at the baseball game with the Palmetto Health Baptist Kangaroo

Noah getting excited about the game...well, at least the game food!

James in his sling taking a nap

Noah pretending that his glow sticks are light

Friday, July 10, 2009

Customer Appreciation Day @ Chick-fil-a...

Ok, so I won't go into detail about our lunch but here are some pics of the boys in their cow shirts...too cute!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Playing Catch-Up...

It's been several weeks since my last post...sorry about that! Needless to say so much has happened in the past few weeks. James is doing very well! He had is first of many baths, has learned to love his swing, bouncy seat, and sitting in his boppy pillow, he adores his big brother and will watch him so intently, he had his first stroller ride when we went for a walk at the mall, and he has learned to smile his beautiful smile that melts my heart every time I see it! Next Sunday, June 12th, is James' baptism and on Saturday, August 1st, we are traveling to VA for my brother's wedding. So, many more photos to come!

Sleeping in my swing for the first time

With my Great-Grandma Duncan for the first time

My first big brother Noah helping!

All clean!!

My big brother Noah holding me

Noah put on my socks...he likes to help our Mommy with me!

Me in church being very good!